The path to the cloud: via multiple entry points. Staggered and with the right foundation.

Diagram The way to the cloud

Framework conditions

Cantonal data protection requirements are to be observed, there must be a governance rule set, exactly like in-house rolls and authorisations, and the data must be stored in Switzerland.

Strategy & Conception

We differentiate between On Premise, Hybrid Cloud und Full Cloud with a pragmatic cloud strategy and a similar concept.

Data classification

In the file classification we differentiate between object data (low risk), personal data (medium risk) and patient data (high risk).


Collaboration applications are ideal for first steps in the cloud. Above 15 000 repeats it is worthwhile having an appropriate automation by means of a process work flow.

Licence management

Why is there still an intranet if the share point is already licenced? Watch out for excessive licencing!


When is the next upgrade for the telephone system? Is now the correct timing for the first step of the digital transformation? Very probably.

Cloud-Migra­tion. Toolbox.

Diagram Cloud migration. Toolbox.