Our Strategy Review Days guarantee strategy implementation.

Only 20% of strategies are successful – because they’re consistently implemented! Soon, your company will also be included in this. We carry out the pending items list, send timely reminders, prepare the review days, and assess the effects of the implemented measures. Nothing will be forgotten anymore!

Analog strategy presentation: Easily remembered and easy to communicate.

Ansicht eines Beispiels (A3, Vor- und Rückseite)

On a single A3 sheet of paper (front and back), we can map out the strategic areas of activity, together with a multi-year plan, and the measures to be implemented in a logical and easily-remembered way. All employees, at every level, will understand this.

All measures are tested against the SMART-Grid as well as the individual “Readiness Factor”, giving leadership a clear sense of how much management effort will be required.